WES Portfolio Components - WES
WES Portfolio - Components
WES Portfolios allow you to organize and visualize content from disparate data sources and applications for a particular area of interest or topic. The following types of content can be added to portfolios.

WES Content
Any items, structured or unstructured, accessible by WES can be linked to a portfolio. Items such as PowerPoint, Excel, Word, pdf, msg, txt, mp3, etc.; geospatial files such as GML, NTF, VPF, GeoTIFF, CADRG, Shape, etc.; RSS and GeoRSS feeds; satellite imagery; full motion imagery; search agents and search results.

Integrated Content
When integrated with external systems like Esri ArcGIS or Liferay Portal, content from these systems can be added to and referenced from portfolios. This can include services, datasets, discussions, wiki, calendar events, etc.

Maps and Mapping Services
WES Portfolio can associate relevant areas of interest and the backdrop and operational maps needed to support any incident or event being managed by an organization.

Uploaded Content
Any content available to a WES Portfolio user can be directly uploaded to a portfolio for sharing. This includes documents, images, pictures, maps, etc. This information can be isolated to a single portfolio or shared to multiple portfolios.

Mobile App Access
First responders can use the WES app GO Mobile to gain secure access to operational information in support of responding to an incident or event.

Field-Collected Data
First responders in the field are provided with a number of options to provide valuable input into the management of an event or incident in real-time from their mobile devices.

Sensor Data and Services
WES Portfolio can link to any real-time/near-real-time information being captured and tracked by WES. This includes using web-based interfaces and GO Mobile in the field. For example, a first responder can track the arrival and status of an evacuation helicopter or obtain current weather and forecast conditions.

Assign and Monitor Tasks
WES Portfolio provides the ability to assign tasks and track the status of tasks being assigned during the incident/event management. At any one time, a manager can review all tasks within the system.

Chat Room and Discussion Access
Provides access to chat rooms and discussion boards associated with the portfolio to allow interaction with personnel supporting the incident/event.

Assign and Monitor Logistics Requests
Logistics requests may be entered into the system to support monitoring of the status of the request. Again, at any time, a manager can review all logistics requests being maintained within the system.

New or Existing GeoPackages
Add an existing GeoPackage through the GeoPackage Creation Wizard or add a new blank GeoPackage to a Portfolio to be used for data collection using GO Mobile.

Add a bookmark to be used as additional information in this Portfolio, providing easy access to relevant websites of interest.