WES Desktop Overview - WES
WES Desktop
Integrate WES into your QGIS or ArcGIS workflow directly from your PC.
Web Enterprise Suite now has the advantage of being available directly from your personal computer, using QGIS and ArcGIS platforms. Integrate advanced search and discovery using our WES Search add-in and manage all ongoing missions, events, incidents and situational awareness monitoring using our WES Portfolio add-in.
The WES Desktop add-in modules for QGIS and ArcGIS are available to provide users with access to key WES functionalities in the desktop environment.
The WES Desktop add-in modules for QGIS and ArcGIS are available to provide users with access to key WES functionalities in the desktop environment.
WES Desktop
Integration with QGIS and ArcGIS
These add-ins are connected to the WES infrastructure using the WES Application Programming Interface's (API's) service endpoints and deliver all these advanced functionalities directly to the desktop environment.
From QGIS or ArcGIS desktop environments, users can perform advanced searches using intuitive search interfaces to discover and access large volumes of information and content, and use the WES Portfolio component for managing all geospatial and non-geospatial data in support of an organization’s operational environments.