Meta Manager Features/Benefits - WES
Meta Manager - Features
Meta Manager provides additional features that go well beyond the competition and include:
Relational Metadata Support
For Structured Data
Many organizations have large amounts of metadata that reside in relational databases. Often the attributes in these relational tables do not follow a common naming convention or subscribe to any one metadata standard. Meta Manager will take this relation data and apply a common naming convention, enable the presentation of the metadata according a national standard such as ISO 19115 and provide a standards-based service interface for querying and presenting information and content. Relational database that are supported include Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access. This application may be installed on either Windows or Unix/Linux platforms.
Cataloging Metadata in File Systems, Catalog Support for Structured/Unstructured Data
Again, many organizations have large volumes of data, information and content that reside on the organizations file systems. Files residing on file systems can be in a structured format. For example, ArcGIS formats such as file geodatabases and shape files or imagery such as GeoTIFF. Files residing on file systems can also be unstructured. For example Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint formats.
Meta Manager will harvest metadata from file systems, regardless of the directory layout, and provide a common framework for processing this information to extract meaning and create structured data about the information. It will crawl directory structures and harvest metadata about files discovered into the database configured to work with Meta Manager.
There are very few restrictions on file types. File types, for example, may include include: KML, MrSID, GeoTIF, PDF, SHP; Microsoft documents: Word, PowerPoint, Excel; and Image types: PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, JPG, JPE, JPEG, JFIF, ICO, PNM, PGM, PBM, PPM, PSD, and XMP; HTML files; etc.
Reveal Your Data in a Meaningful Way Automated Metadata Population
Because Meta Manager easily integrates with existing relational databases such as Oracle, Postgres, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and Access, without requiring modifications or changes to the originating data structures, It can reveal the relational database content using one or more of the standard metadata specifications included within the application. This is accomplished by mapping the database columns to the metadata elements. Attributes in the database can be translated and augmented as necessary.
Has the ability to fill in gaps in the database for the metadata standard. For example, contact information may be entered once and then be retrieved along with each metadata record in the database. Enhanced SQL syntax checking and verification. Includes a metadata harvesting facility for performing automated metadata population from unstructured data (KML, MrSID, GeoTIF, PDF, SHP, Microsoft documents (Word/PowerPoint/Excel), PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, JPG, JPE, JPEG, JFIF, etc.) distributed throughout the organization's file systems. Meta Manager will keyword-index all files that are harvested by the Meta Manager harvester.
OGC-Compliant and Certified
Built Upon OGC-CSW 2.0.2
Meta Manager generates file transfer options so that files and assets can be downloaded by users once discovered in the system. Style sheets are included with the system to style metadata result sets according to the metadata standard. These can also be modified by administrators.
The Meta Manager server is built upon the OGC-CSW (CSW 2.0.2) specification. Consequently, other clearing houses can search your data holdings "out-of-the-box".
The Meta Manager server is a high-performance server that will respond to queries instantly.
Open Data Integration
Publishing, Sharing, Finding and Using Data
Government organizations throughout the world are involved in open data initiatives and some use open data portals to allow access to government data and information.
CKAN is one of the open-source data portal platforms to make data accessible and is supported by Compusult's Meta Manager.
Meta Manager - Benefits
Meta Manager also provides additional Benefits that go well beyond the competition and include:
Cost Reduction
Increased Productivity
Meta Manager reduces data management complexity and work load by allowing you to understand where your data assets are, what they mean and how they can be used. In this regard, Meta Manager significantly reduces the effort associated with finding the right information, at the right time, to support the need.
Meta Manager also provides the ability to increase the knowledge about your data assets. This is accomplished by providing easy intuitive methods for augmenting asset descriptions and translating asset meaning into understandable established guidelines.
Increased Interoperability
Compliance with the Evolution of Standards
Metadata makes all kinds of data, both geospatial and non-geospatial, more meaningful and useful. If we consider the concept of “Big Data”, metadata becomes paramount in being able to navigate thorough and discover and understand the information we need. The establishment of standards like ISO 19115, FGDC and DDMS was conducted to provide a common framework of discovery and understanding. The U.S. Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) stated: “A metadata record is a file of information, usually presented as an XML document, which captures the basic characteristics of a data or information resource. It represents the who, what, when, where, why and how of the resource.”
It is in this spirit that Meta Manager was created and delivers on the evolution of standards, standards compliance and information sharing.
Enterprise Data Awareness Collaborative Governance and Process
Meta Manager provides a framework that enables enterprise data awareness. Regardless of how the data is distributed throughout the enterprise. Be it relational, file-based or systems-of-systems Meta Manager is the solution that can enable enterprises and the associated stakeholders to collaborate in a meaningful way.
Understanding what your data assets are, where they are and how they can be used helps establish the governance of the data assets and using data more effectively to meet the enterprise objectives and goals.