Web Enterprise Suite

Web Enterprise Suite (WES) manages your geospatial data by delivering a complete, end-to-end system providing geospatial interoperability, publishing, data discovery, data management, data access/collection, data analysis/synchronization, user management and collaboration.

Utilizing Geospatial Tools
For Decision Support

WES is based upon the utilization of geospatial tools and technologies combined with the incorporation of international standards to provide users with situational awareness to support the decision-making process. It provides an enterprise- level data acquisition/management platform that delivers true situational awareness. From capture of vital information associated with first responders, field/survey and military personal to integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices and sensors with the sophisticated management of all your geospatial data resources regardless of the format, WES is the leading geospatial platform that delivers.

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Providing the right information at the right time.

Providing the Right Information
At the Right Time

The vision is to provide an environment where users and decision makers have the capability to discover, view, assemble, analyse, understand and share geospatial information, products and services for a particular area of interest, mission, incident and/or event, without needing to know the details of how the data and services are stored and maintained, providing true transparent access. Users and decision makers are provided access to easily share information through a common, digital, geospatially referenced portal to enhance the decision-making process, information management, exploitation, manipulation, storage and dissemination.

Web Enterprise Suite
The Total Geospatial Solution

Manage and understand your complex geospatial and non-geospatial data using WES for maximum productivity and resilience in an ever-changing and challenging world. Strategic information gathering and secure profile access is combined with intuitive user and content interfaces delivering comprehensive knowledge and awareness.
Contact us for more details.

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WES Companion Products

The items below can be purchased together or separately from Web Enterprise Suite.

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Access our demo site to use a sandbox version of WES.

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