Public Safety

Providing the tools and framework necessary for quick, accurate and informed decision making.

Public Safety Is Critical

Whether it is a terrorist threat or a public health issue, geospatial data allows decision makers the ability to make informed assessments. Most importantly, it allows decision makers to make critical decisions concerning various threats that affect communities as a whole. Web Enterprise Suite provides this avenue for agencies to search for geospatial information, access it, and ultimately manage it for future use.

Without a data management system such as WES in place, decision makers would not have the flexibility to retrieve location-based intelligence and use this information to address threats, develop priorities and act on public safety issues. To find out more about how WES can assist in Homeland Security and Public Safety matters, please read more.

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Track and Locate

Sensors, their metadata, and observation data are consistently used by scientists and strategists to make informed decisions, and they require a framework to obtain sensor information, learn about their abilities, and merge findings with other mapping data. This provides officials a complete view of a particular area, allowing the ability to develop well devised plans.

Sensor Web management is used for military purposes, environmental, civil and commercial usages. Having an application in place to ensure sensors can be identified, retrieved, tracked and tasked is beneficial in that it allows us to understand the world in which we live. To understand more about how Compusult can assist businesses and decision makers with sensor management, please read more about WES and WES Sensor Management.

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